1. Psychological and Emotional Impact: Scents evoke powerful emotional and psychological responses due to their ability to stimulate the limbic system, which is associated with emotions, memories, and behavior. For example, Abercrombie & Fitch strategically uses a signature scent of cologne in their stores, aiming to create a youthful, adventurous atmosphere that resonates with their target demographic (Morales, 2004).

2. Influence on Dwell Time: Certain scents, such as lavender or vanilla, are known for their calming properties, which can increase the amount of time consumers spend in retail environments. L’Occitane en Provence, a skincare and beauty retailer, incorporates the scent of lavender in their stores to create a relaxing ambiance that encourages customers to explore their products at leisure (L’Occitane, n.d.).

3. Impact on Purchase Behavior: Scents can significantly influence purchase decisions by enhancing product evaluations and brand perceptions. For instance, the bakery chain Cinnabon strategically vents the smell of freshly baked cinnamon rolls throughout malls, drawing in customers with irresistible aromas that increase the likelihood of impulse purchases (Foulkes, 2005).

4. Branding and Memory Associations: Scents evoke powerful emotional and psychological responses due to their ability to stimulate the limbic system, which is associated with emotions, memories, and behavior. For instance, luxury fashion brands like Chanel strategically infuse their boutiques with signature scents such as the iconic Chanel No. 5 fragrance. This enhances the overall shopping experience by creating an atmosphere of elegance and sophistication (Morales, 2004).


  • Morales, A. C. (2004). The scent of a product: Implications for retailing and marketing. Academy of Marketing Science Review, 2004(10), 1-15.
  • L’Occitane. (n.d.). Our story. Retrieved from https://usa.loccitane.com/our-story,82,1,36683,0.htm
  • Foulkes, A. (2005). Scent and sensibility: How smells shape shoppers’ behavior. CNN Business. Retrieved from https://money.cnn.com/2005/08/08/news/fortune500/scent_fortune_081505/


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